PhD in Environmental Studies
University of Victoria, Victoria, BC
Master's in Resource and Environmental Management
Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC
Fisheries Science and Management Research Group
Thesis topic: “Reliably diagnosing Fraser River sockeye salmon declines in a variable world”
Teaching Assistant for graduate-level course in Risk Assessment and Decision Analysis for Management of Natural Resources
Organized the 2012 Inter-Departmental Ecology of Aquatic Systems Symposium
Organized weekly research group meetings
Awards: Graduate Fellowship, Special Graduate Entrance Scholarship
Independent student, Faculty of Engineering
McGill University, Montréal, QC
Winter 2009
Bachelor of Science
McGill University, Montréal, QC
Biology Major, Psychology Minor, with Distinction
Student exchange to the National University of Singapore (2007)
Independent Research Project in Population Ecology
Courses Taken
Resource and Environmental Management
REM 601 The Social Science of Natural Resource Management
REM 612 Simulation Modelling in Natural Resource Management
REM 613 Methods in Fisheries Assessment
REM 621 Ecological Economics
REM 625 Risk Assessment and Decision Analysis for Management of Natural Resources
REM 631 Earth Systems and Global Change in Environmental Management
REM 643 Environmental Conflict and Dispute Resolution
REM 644 Public Policy Analysis and Administration
REM 660 Special Topics in Natural Resource Management: Applied Quantitative Ecology
REM 660 Special Topics in Natural Resource Management: Resilience-based Management
REM 698 Field Resource Management Workshop
REM 801 Principles of Research Methods
ES 600 Perspectives on Environmental Theories, Methods and Skills I
ES 601 Perspectives on Environmental Theories, Methods and Skills II
ES 603 PhD Research Colloquium
BIOL 466 Independent Research Project
LSM 4262 Tropical Conservation Biology
LSM 4261 Marine Biology
BIOL 308 Ecological Dynamics
BIOL 307 Behavioural Ecology
BIOL 306 Neurobiology and Behaviour
BIOL 304 Evolution
BIOL 303 Developmental Biology
BIOL 301 Cell and Molecular Laboratory
BIOL 215 Intro to Ecology and Evolution
BIOL 206 Methods in Biology of Organisms
BIOL 205 Biology of Organisms
BIOL 202 Basic Genetics
BIOL 201 Cell Biology & Metabolism
BIOL 200 Molecular Biology
BIOL 112 Cell and Molecular Biology
BIOL 111 Principles: Organismal Biology
Psychology and Neuroscience
NEUR 603 Computational Neuroscience
PSYC 471 Human Motivation
PSYC 342 Hormones and Behaviour
PL 3236 Abnormal Psychology
PSYC 333 Personality and Social Psychology
PSYC 318 Behavioural Neuroscience 2
PSYC 304 Child Development
PSYC 215 Social Psychology
PSYC 213 Cognition
Other Sciences
MATH 323 Probability
MATH 263 Ordinary Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
MATH 262 Intermediate Calculus
COMP 250 Introduction to Computer Science
CHEM 212 Intro Organic Chemistry 1
MATH 203 Principles of Statistics 1
COMP 202 Introduction to Computing 1
PHYS 142 Electromagnetism & Optics
MATH 141 Calculus 2
MATH 140 Calculus 1
PHYS 131 Mechanics and Waves
CHEM 120 General Chemistry 2
CHEM 110 General Chemistry 1
HIST 215 Modern European History
SE 1101E Southeast Asia: A Changing Region
SN 1101E South Asia: People, Culture, Development
Python Programming Fundamentals (University of Toronto, 2020)
Going Places with Spatial Analysis (ESRI, 2020)
A Global History of Architecture (MIT, 2017)
Financial Markets (Yale, 2015)
Gut Check: Exploring Your Microbiome (University of Colorado, 2015)
From GPS and Google Maps to Spatial Computing (University of Minnesota, 2014)
High School Diploma
Glebe Collegiate Institute, Ottawa, ON
Honour Roll every year
University of Toronto National Biology Competition award (2004)
Exercise Science Academic Excellence Award (2004)
Junior Achievement Company Program (2003-04)
Robotics team (2003-04)
Glebe General Proficiency Award (2003)
Athletics: rugby team, swim team, cross-country running team
Royal Conservatory of Music Grade 6 Piano, Level 2 Theory
Regional Biologist
Environment and Natural Resources, Government of Northwest Territories, Inuvik, NWT
May 2022-present
Responsible for designing and conducting research and monitoring pertaining to carnivores and furbearers in the Inuvik Region
Technical advisor for the department at regional, national, and international wildlife meetings
Summarized and communicated results of wildlife studies to co-management partners
Reviewed research proposals and issued research permits to external researchers
Wildlife Biologist
Environment and Natural Resources, Government of Northwest Territories, Inuvik, NWT
June 2019-April 2022
Served as the Wildlife Division's primary authority on impacts of development on wildlife and wildlife habitat in the Inuvik Region
Assessed impacts to wildlife (grizzly bears, caribou, wolves, and wolverine) of the recently constructed Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk Highway
Coordinated and led a grizzly bear DNA study over a 10,000 square kilometre study area
Conducted spatial analyses of harvest data
Provided expert advice to senior management, renewable resource co-management boards, other departments within the GNWT and regulatory and monitoring agencies on environmental assessment in the region
Prepared annual reports and educational materials, presented results to the Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway Working Group, with partners from territorial government, Indigenous governments, federal government, and contractors
Collaborated with other departmental staff, staff from other GNWT departments, environmental agencies, regulatory agencies, industry, wildlife co-management boards, consultants, research centres, Hunters and Trappers Committees and communities
Developed and ran a beginner R programming course (April 2020)
Assisted with other wildlife surveys including:
Polar bear biopsy darting survey in the Beaufort Sea
Caribou and muskox aerial surveys and caribou collaring
Small mammal trapping & hare pellet transect surveys
Resource Management Supervisor
Parks Canada, Nááts'įhch'oh National Park Reserve, Tulita, NWT
August 2016-May 2019
Led Nááts’įhch’oh National Park Reserve’s Ecological Integrity Monitoring Program, including the development of associated projects, activities, processes, milestones and deliverables
Developed and wrote Nááts’įhch’oh's first Ecological Integrity Monitoring Plan, mapping out the next ten years of scientific monitoring in the park, including long-term monitoring objectives and budgets
Designed, led and conducted applied science monitoring in the park to assess the status of environmental components including birds, vegetation, fish, bats, water quality, benthic invertebrates, and wildlife captured on remote cameras
Designed and refined wildlife and environmental monitoring protocols
Collected and analysed spatial and non-spatial data on natural resource abundance and distribution
Coordinated planning and logistics for field work, including personnel, equipment, schedules and travel to a fly-in park located 300km away from the office
Ran hiring processes, mentored and supervised staff, developed work plans, and managed staff performance, training and development
Managed the resource management budget, including contracting and procurement for supplies and services
Reported on environmental integrity monitoring progress and results in order to build the knowledge base of the park
Provided technical input into resource management project design; researched and synthesized information from the scientific literature, unpublished literature and traditional use studies; consulted with science staff across Parks Canada and external experts to obtain data and information
Communicated and presented resource management programs and project results to Parks Canada staff, the Nááts'įhch'oh Management Committee, indigenous partners, community members, and stakeholders.
Established and maintained partnerships, networks and exchanges with our cooperative management committee, indigenous partners, other resource conservation managers and scientists at Parks Canada, renewable resource boards, external experts, and stakeholders
Participated in community meetings, management committee meetings, and planning workshops
Other roles, including:
Conducting Environmental Impact Assessments for development projects in the Park
Research Coordinator for external research in the Park
Visitor safety and human-wildlife conflict management
Occupational Health & Safety Committee Representative
Acting Park Superintendent
Parks Canada, Nááts'įhch'oh National Park Reserve, Tulita, NWT
February 2017-October 2018
Approximately two months per year
Management responsibilities including staffing, finances, and policy development
Environmental Scientist - Contaminated Sites
Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Vancouver, BC
November 2012-July 2016
Major projects:
Researched and analysed the uptake of contaminants from the soil into berries, including a literature review, a human health risk assessment, consultation with subject matter experts, a field experiment, a lab experiment to examine bioavailability, data compilation & analysis, report writing, and presentation of results (
photo )
Analysed the spatial distribution of metal contamination at lightstations
Conducted a literature review of innovative remediation alternatives for remote contaminated sites
Developed training materials and trained staff on drinking water sampling methods
Reviewed environmental assessment reports for over 900 shore lights for the potential presence of species at risk and provided conservation recommendations to site managers
Conducted field sampling and remediation, often at remote contaminated sites:
Sampled groundwater, soil, sediment, surface water, plant and animal tissue, and conducted environmental monitoring and GPS surveying
Coordinated site visit logistics, field equipment, and health & safety plans (
photo )
Prepared and reviewed technical reports, including Environmental Site Assessments, environmental risk management plans, environmental monitoring reports, and monitoring reports for groundwater, air quality, and drinking water
Managed record keeping and databases for contaminated sites data and environmental reports
Worked with contractors, facility managers, First Nations, and interdepartmental staff
Resource Conservation Assistant
Parks Canada, Rideau Canal National Historic Site, Smiths Falls, ON
May-August 2010
Planned and managed a project with the objective of using radio-telemetry to track turtle movement, activity and habitat use (
photo )
Conducted inventories for Species at Risk along the Rideau Canal waterway (
photo )
Agriculture Canada, Ottawa, ON
March 2010
Research Assistant - Organic Agriculture
University of Guleph, Campus d'Alfred, Alfred, ON
May-September 2009
Events Coordinator
Hostelling International, Toronto, ON
September-November 2008
Field Assistant
University of Guelph/Michigan State University, Pigeon River State Forest, Michigan
May-August 2008
Worked on a study examining climate change related effects on the interactions between two mouse species
Researched the ecology, life history and behaviour of white footed and deer mice
Collected data from mice in the field, including trapping, handling, and taking tissue samples (
photo )
Nature Interpreter
Sunbury Shores Arts & Nature Centre , St. Andrews, NB
July-August 2007
Researched the local ecology, biodiversity and natural history of the Acadian forest and intertidal zone
Developed and ran guided nature walks for general public
Maintained and developed Sunbury Shores' Nature Trail
Information Officer / Interpreter
Centre of the Universe, Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, National Research Council, Victoria, BC
May-August 2005 and 2006
Educated the general public about astrophysics, and Canada's contributions to the field (
photo )
Developed and presented multimedia presentations and scientific demonstrations for visitors and private groups of all ages
Responded to inquiries from the general public in both official languages
Administrative and front desk duties (admissions, gift shop, cash reports, etc.)
Information Officer
Elections Canada, Montréal, QC
January 2006
Ontario Ranger
Ministry of Natural Resources, Sioux Lookout, ON
July-August 2003
Environmental projects, including park maintenance, trail and portage grooming, ecological preservation work
Community projects, involvement in local festivals and cultural events, including First Nations events, and educational projects
Puzzle Author
Aug 2023
Inuvik Ski Club
Girl Guides of Canada
Inuvik Book Club Co-Organiser
Walk to Tuk
Volunteer Firefighter
Future Science Leaders Instructor
March-April 2016
Society for Canadian Women in Science and Technology
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society (CPAWS)
DFO Young Professionals Network
Received certificate of recognition for initiative and leadership (2015 & 2016)
Created a French language group to advance bilingualism in the Pacific region
Bike to Work Week team captain (“The Fish Peddlers”)
Simon Fraser University Outdoors Club
Resource & Environmental Management Student Union
Bay Islands Conservation Association
Utila, Honduras
November-December 2009
Assisted with conservation projects involving a marine protected area on Utila
Gathered GPS recordings of local dive sites and incorporated them into a GIS database
Completed a computer training program on participation planning and monitoring of marine protected areas
Researched and wrote proposals for future environmental initiatives
McGill Outdoors Club
Canoeing coordinator (2006)
Vice-President External (2005-2006)
Organized and led outdoors trips for club members
Intramural Soccer Team Captain
Solin Hall Residence Council